African women constitute the majority of workers in the informal economy

But only about a third of women across the continent participate in formal economic activity. Women face gender biases in legal and macroeconomic frameworks, as well as more limited human, social, and financial assets than men. Currently

Women Empowerment Program

The Challenge

Rural women are key agents for development. They play a catalytic role towards achievement of transformational economic, environmental and social changes required for sustainable development. But limited access to credit, health care and education are among the many challenges they face. These are further aggravated by the global food and economic crises and climate change.

Moreover, violence against women and girls also imposes large-scale costs on families, communities, and economies. When women cannot work as a result of violence, their employment may be put at risk, jeopardizing much-needed income, autonomy, and their ability to leave abusive relationships. Violence against women also results in lost productivity for businesses and drains resources from social services, the justice system, and healthcare agencies. Domestic and intimate partner violence remains widespread, compounded by impunity for those crimes. The net result is enormous suffering as well as the exclusion of women from playing their full and rightful roles in society. The world cannot afford to pay this price. Women and girls cannot afford it – and should not have to. 

Our Interventions

Through the “Women Empowerment Program,” we are committed to empowering vulnerable women in the communities we serve in Nebbi District through direct interventions and advocacy in ensuring their rights are respected, they have access to legal guidance in sorting cases of violence and abuses against them and are economically empowered, are productive and self-reliant.

Empowering them is essential, not only for the well-being of individuals, families and rural communities, but also for overall economic productivity, given women’s large presence in the agricultural workforce worldwide. 

One of the key priorities of our work with these women is Ensuring they are economically empowered. This we are doing by offering them life skills training opportunities in areas such as; Small scale Business Management and/or entrepreneurship skills, Tailoring, Catering, Carpentry, Hair Dressing, Soap Making, Candle Making, Weaving, and establishing Community/Village Savings Scheme; among others to enable them to have the ability to work and make some income.

In addition to these skills, we also offer small financial support/capital for those with a passion for starting small-scale business ventures to make sure they can achieve their dreams. The women and bound together within the Community/Village Savings and Investments group. They have split into 5 groups and meet once every week to save at least $1 for the week in their village saving groups and give out small business loans from their savings to any of the members in need. Through this venture, we are promoting a savings and investment culture among young mothers in a bid to make sure they can become self–reliant and productive.

'I Am Because We Are'

~ The African Philosophy of Ubuntu

Raising an empowered Generation